What is the meaning of sprinkler irrigation?

Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water which is similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground.

What is sprinkler irrigation Class 8?

Sprinkler system: In this system vertical pipes are provided with rotating nozzle on top and is joined to main pipeline at regular intervals. With the help of pump, water is allowed to pass through the pipes with high pressure. Pressure allows the nozzle to rotate and water is sprinkled on the crop similar to rain.

What is sprinkler irrigation and its advantages?

Advantages of sprinkler irrigation systems include: Expansive land leveling or terracing is not required; No loss of cultivable area due to channel construction; Suitable for almost all soil types; … Lower labor requirements as compared to traditional surface irrigation approaches.

What is used in sprinkler irrigation?

Sprinkler irrigation system allows application of water under high pressure with the help of a pump. … Water is distributed through a system of pipes, sprayed into air and irrigates in most of the soil type due to wide range of discharge capacity.

Why sprinkler irrigation is used?

An irrigation sprinkler (also known as a water sprinkler or simply a sprinkler) is a device used to irrigate agricultural crops, lawns, landscapes, golf courses, and other areas. They are also used for cooling and for the control of airborne dust.

What is sprinkler system Short answer?

Sprinkler system is an irrigation system which uses less water and is thus an efficient method of introducing water to the fields. … Drip irrigation as well is a well planned irrigation system which supplies water drop by drop near the plant’s roots and hence avoids wastage of water.

What is irrigation short answer?

Irrigation is the artificial process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist in the production of crops. The different sources of irrigation are – rivers, wells, ponds, tube-wells, lakes, dams and canals.

What is irrigation science answer?

The process of supplying water to crop plants in fields through canals, wells, reservoirs, tube wells etc. is known as irrigation. Wells, tube wells, ponds, lakes, dams, rivers and canals are some of the sources of irrigation.

Is sprinkler irrigation efficient?

Sprinkler system efficiencies vary between 60% – 90% with an average of 75%, although center-pivot systems have an efficiency of around 85% [8]. The efficiency of trickier irrigation systems varies between 75% – 95% with an average of about 90%.

How do sprinkler irrigation systems work?

What is sprinkler irrigation advantages and disadvantages?

It is affordable and completely easy to set up. You will not be needing to spend much on labor cost for setting it up. There is no requirement of using many areas of your field for setting up the sprinkler irrigation. The interference with cultivation for setting up the sprinkler irrigation is very less.

Where does sprinkler water come from?

Water for sprinkler systems can also come from natural or man-made bodies of water, such as wells, lakes, ponds, or reservoirs. Those static sources need to deliver the water in the volume and duration required by the system and the anticipated hose streams. And the water must be available 24x7x365.

What is sprinkler irrigation PDF?

Sprinkler irrigation. In this method, water is carried is through a network of pipes under medium to high. pressure and is forced through a nozzle of small diameter and sprayed on the ground or crop. like a rain. It tends to simulate the rainfall but in a way such that the run-off and deep.

Why sprinkler irrigation is not used in India?

In India nearly 60 percent of the farmers do Dryland Agriculture which means they don’t have any source of Irrigation hence they totally depend on rain which shows that Sprinkler Irrigation is of no use for them even the farmers have small land holdings and are poor so they don’t prefer Sprinkler Irrigation.

Do sprinkler systems save water?

Irrigation systems deliver water very precisely to targeted areas, which saves water and money. Chances are if you don’t already have an irrigation system you are watering with a hose with a nozzle or sprinkler head. … The best time to water your yard and gardens is in the early morning, before the heat of day.

Who invented sprinkler irrigation?

Sprinkler irrigation first became a reality at the end of the 19th century, according to Morgan. In 1894, Charles Skinner, a farmer from Troy, Ohio, was issued a patent for a sprinkling system.

Is sprinkler irrigation expensive?

Answer: spray irrigation is quite expensive as it requires complex machinery but utilities water more efficiently reducing the amount of water needed to irritate a field.

What are the 4 types of irrigation?

The different types of irrigation include- sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation, drip irrigation, sub-irrigation and manual irrigation.

What is a irrigation system?

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil through various systems of tubes, pumps, and sprays. Irrigation is usually used in areas where rainfall is irregular or dry times or drought is expected. There are many types of irrigation systems, in which water is supplied to the entire field uniformly.

What is overhead sprinkler irrigation?

Overhead sprinkler irrigation is a process of applying irrigation water which is comparable to rainfall. … It is then sprinkled into the air and covering an entire soil surface through spray heads so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground.

What is irrigation long answer?

Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall.

What is irrigation give two examples?

Answer: To irrigate is to water crops by bringing in water from pipes, canals, sprinklers, or other man-made means, rather than relying on rainfall alone. … This water was used for drinking, washing, and irrigation. Modern irrigation systems use reservoirs, tanks, and wells to supply water for crops.

What is irrigation name two method of irrigation?

Main sources of irrigation are wells, tube-wells, ponds, lakes, rivers. Two methods which help us to conserve water are: Sprinkler irrigation system: this irrigation has an arrangement of vertical pipes with rotating nozzles on the top.

What is irrigation by Brainly?

irrigation is system of suppling water to the plants. Explanation: There are two types of irrigation. 1) drip irrigation. 2) sprinklar irrigation.

What is irrigation in geography?

Irrigation is the application of water to land in order to supply crops and other plants with necessary water. … They reduce water tables in the ground and affect downstream river flow. They also increase evaporation losses of water and increase the salinity of soils.

What is the difference between sprayer and sprinkler?

Irrigation sprinklers can be used for residential, industrial, and agricultural usage. A typical, large-scale center-pivot spray irrigation system. Spray irrigation is a modern and commonly-used system of irrigating, but it also requires machinery.

What is the difference between spray irrigation and sprinkler irrigation?

What is the difference between drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation? Dripping valves are present in drip system while spray guns and nozzles are used in sprinkler system. Only the root area is wetted by drip irrigation, whereas one sprinkler wets an area of a circle, which covers a number of plants.

What are the types of irrigation?

Types of Irrigation

·         Surface irrigation. Surface irrigation is the oldest form of irrigation and has been in use for thousands of years. …

·         Micro-irrigation. …

·         Drip irrigation. …

·         Sprinkler irrigation. …

·         Center pivot. …

·         Irrigation by lateral move (side roll, wheel line, wheelmove) …

·         Lawn sprinkler systems. …

·         Hose-end sprinklers.

How do I use a sprinkler irrigation system?

Why is irrigation important?

Places that have sparse or seasonal rainfall could not sustain agriculture without irrigation. In areas that have irregular precipitation, irrigation improves crop growth and quality. By allowing farmers to grow crops on a consistent schedule, irrigation also creates more reliable food supplies.

What is the purpose of irrigation?

Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation.

What are the two advantages of sprinkler irrigation?

Advantages Of Sprinkler Irrigation:

·         Suitable for all types of field condition (except heavy clay soil).

·         Uniform distribution of water with high efficiency.

·         Less land loss provides more land area for cultivation.

·         Loss of water is minimum.

·         Accurate and easy measurement of distributed water.

Is sprinkler water clean?

While numerous screens and some filters help keep debris, and even bugs, out of our irrigation pipes and sprinklers, the water is not considered safe for human or pet consumption.




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